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Kristian Wright 22 / April / 19

eScan Mobile Security

eScan Mobile Security Review |
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Today we are about to compose an eScan review about the security service for Android devices. You will be provided with the detailed description of the mentioned software. You will got know how the application operates and what options it performs.



eScan security app have a decent level of convenience and will fit your device perfectly.


The users of this application are provided with the around-the-clock customer support. So in case you have troubles with using the service contact us and we will find the perfect solution.

Diversity of features

You can adopt the eScan pro or regular version up to your needs.


There are no drastic features you should be warned about. The only aspect that may scare people of the using such security application is its price. But it worth every penny you may spend.

What the use of eScan mobile application for Android?

This mobile security application was designed to run on modern Android devices in order to protect you phone or tablet from the viruses or harmful software and block their activity on your device. You also will be able to block other person’s access to the stored data like photo or sms. It perform tracking feature in case of phone loss. Parental control option helps you to strengthen the protection to your device by blocking unwelcomed apps and sites. With the help of sending sms on your phone you can:


In case somebody will make a few attempts to unlock your device without your permission, the application will take a picture via front camera in order to capture the person and direct the received photo on the email you used. You also empowered to find out the geolocation of your blocked device if it is lost.

This mobile security software can notify you in case somebody has changed your SIM-card. There is also an emergency feature when you need to shake your phone or tap the power button a few times in order to send SOS to somebody you have mentioned in case of emergency.

Reasons to use eScan

The main thing that attracts users according to the eScan reviews is that this app provides you with all the required Android options for convenient and safe usage of the device. But let us take a closer look to some other important features:


The installation process

There are two steps:

License and activation process

After purchasing the eScan Mobile Security, you must enter an active license key to start using the product. This code will be sent to your e-mail address you used for buying.

There is also a free trial option that will last for 2 weeks. If you will require using this security app, just fill in the registration form and use valid key for further activation.

Secret code

After installation of eScan pro and activation of the eScan mobile security software, you will be sent a secret code for advanced blocking. It will contain 4-16 points and will be useful for recovering options as well.

Antivirus and malware block

You will be able to protect your mobile device from the virus attacks.

The app will scan your phone or tablet regularly and after installation of the any new software as well. It will block the suspicious activity on your device. You will need to set the scanning configurations. There will be options:

Using available web-connection you can update your antivirus base and blocking options.

Parental control

Protect users of your device from the inappropriate mobile content or calls and SMS from suspicious numbers. You can set required filters in the program.

Block the software you consider to be dangerous

Using the parental control mode described in this eScan review, you will need to tap the required options. To choose the programs, tap of their names within the app interface. In case you need to exclude some from the lists just tap on them again.

Website blocking option

You will be able to create lists of websites to block on your device. There is option of creating black and white lists of sites. This feature will be available only while using Android or Chrome browsers. To do so open the parental control mode again and tap on the websites you are about to block.

Call and sms blocking option

After installing eScan pro or regular version you will be enabled to filter calls and sms received by your device. You can create black and white lists of words and contacts.

Call and sms blocking can be done within a few steps:

With the call and sms blocking option your will be able to protect your mobile phone or tablet from the inappropriate access and sms from the numbers that are not welcomed.

Anti-theft function

In this eScan review it is worth mentioning the optioned aimed on extra protection for your device of being stolen. With this feature you will be able to restrict the access to your sms and other content of the phone. Also you will be informed with the sms about unauthorized attempt to unlock your phone. There are various functions:

Personal security

Send SOS message to the person you trust in case of emergency. It will be contain your location and other data available on mobile phone. There are a few settings:


In this eScan review we have tried to describe options and functions of the eScan pro and regular versions and present the level of mobile security you are offered. The application requires only 8 MB of free space on your Android so you will have space to spare for other content. eScan mobile app allows its users to filter content of your mobile Android and protect it from the unwelcomed activities. Using the web-connection you can use all the available mobile security options of the eScan mobile program. With this eScan pro app you also can protect your children and their phones. As it was shown in this eScan review, the application allows searching for your Android using eScan security in case it is stolen.



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